
Hi everyone and welcome to my blog.

I will be blogging under the pseudonym of 'The Eternal Optimist' so that I can and will write openly and honestly about what has happened in the past, what is happening in the present and my hopes for the future.


Saturday, 13 March 2010

My List

A few years ago after discovering 'The Secret' (http://www.thesecret.tv/) prompting my journey of self discovery and interest in personal development I decided to write a list of things I wanted to achieve in my life. I thought I'd share these goals with you as it will not only help me to refocus but also hopefully encourage others to write their own list and achieve their dreams.

I've highlighted in red the ones that I have completed.

  1. To live in my own place in 'x'
  2. To own a house in x
  3. To be promoted at work
  4. To be close to my family always
  5. To buy a holiday home for my family
  6. To go to Canada
  7. To Skydive
  8. To go to Sydney
  9. To go to Melbourne
  10. To have a happy marriage
  11. To have children
  12. To have something published
  13. To visit the grand canyon
  14. To go on a retreat
  15. To tolerate being near animals
  16. To drive confidently
  17. To be in a musical
  18. To learn to play an instrument
  19. To learn another language
  20. To earn £100,000 per year
  21. To give a seminar
  22. To climb a mountain
  23. To scuba dive in the great barrier reef
  24. To help build something in a third world country
  25. To go on a road trip
  26. To go on a sailing boat
  27. To own my own boat
  28. To become the UK manager for my department by 30
  29. To live abroad for a period of time
  30. Raise money for charity
  31. To have a carefree weekend in Vegas
  32. To write a song and sing it
  33. To capture beauty in a picture
  34. To go to NewZealand
  35. To run a race
  36. To grow my nails
  37. To learn a dance e.g. Ballroom or Salsa
  38. To host a dinner party
  39. To have my own swimming pool
  40. To adopt a child in need
  41. To marry someone who is my best friend and soulmate
  42. To make a difference to someone
  43. To take a pottery class
  44. To have frequent holidays
  45. To have lots of positive energy

Added from March 2010:

  1. To do a road trip between Vegas, LA and SanFran
  2. To go to South America
Added from May 2013:

  1. To visit every continent 
  2. To own a house with a granny annex 
  3. To have some written work published for the general public
  4. To share self help/positivity knowledge gained with others in a public forum i.e. book, class etc

I'd be really interested to read other peoples lists as I'm always looking for new inspiration. If you have any goals that you would be happy to share then please do.


  1. I love the idea of a list like this. I think I will try to compile one as well.

  2. It would be great to see if after you're done for more inspiration if you'd be happy to share.
